Nuage Nuage Dixit Stella Machine et moutons

Spiel Digital – The programme

This year the Spiel will not take place in Essen, Germany, but from your computer, tablet or telephone.

Mysterium Park and Dixit Mirrors

Libellud will present these two end-of-year releases at the Spiel Digital: Mysterium Park (23/10) and Dixit Mirrors (06/11).

For Mysterium Park, you will find several videos to give you the maximum information about the game and to get to know the main differences between Mysterium Park and its big brother Mysterium.

The Spiel website is in English or German. You can reach the Spiel Digital website by clicking here.

From 22 October, 10 am, the Spiel will start and the pages of Mysterium Park and Dixit Mirrors will be accessible.

You will be able to find them via the search engine of the Spiel Digital website or via this page where we will add direct links.

We wish you a great Spiel Digital!

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